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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Cooperative Learning Should Be Considered The Natural...

Cooperative learning should be considered the natural progression of the American education system. Traditional education techniques place students in a competitive atmosphere. Cooperative learning requires students to work together to achieve success. A democratic method for a democratic society. Cooperative learning does not allow for a single winner, instead through group efforts, each student’s strengths help the collective achieve success. This paper will address the history of cooperative learning, along with its social, academic, and teacher benefits. Most importantly, it will highlight the positive effects of cooperative learning techniques upon students of all abilities. Cooperative Learning and its Benefits to Students of all Abilities The age of inclusion classrooms resulted in students of varied academic abilities in a single classroom. The general education teacher’s goal was to educate larger numbers of students, including those with mild disabilities, in the general education environment. to increase the overall academic achievement of the school. Over time, the objective of inclusive programming has grown-from simply increasing academic achievement, to also increasing social competence and fostering positive relationships between children with special needs and their differently abled peers (Malmgren,1998). Traditional methods of whole classroom instruction are applicable in some areas of the inclusive classroom, but in others, are a disservice to certainShow MoreRelatedImplications Of Kohlberg s Theory Of Moral Development7968 Words   |  32 PagesImplications of Kohlberg on Learning Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine a teaching strategy based upon Lawrence Kohlberg’s social cognitive theory of moral development. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Notes On The Coping Process - 1470 Words

Justin Willms Psychology of Human Relations Friday 12/18/15 Term Paper The Coping Process Throughout my entire life I have been dealing with stress even when I have tried to avoid it. Stress always manages to find it’s way to you, and you either can ignore what is causing you stress, or find a method to deal with your stressor head on. When I was younger, about thirteen or so my parents got divorced. I didn’t know how to accept the fact that my parents would no longer be living under the same roof, and no one made a huge deal about this inside the family. Was I just supposed to act like this is a normal part of life? When I would go to school, I didn’t want to mentions to all my friends what was going on at the time because I felt†¦show more content†¦But I know when the time comes I will need a good coping system to deal with it. Stress is an ongoing problem that happens in everyone s life. Stress is a simple term used by many people, most of the time it is misunderstood or used to describe a condition of a person. It is a known factor that stressors play a large part of everyone s daily living, many people learn to either manage stress or have been placed on some type of medication to help control it. In the world today, there are so many causes and effects of stress but only a few different ways to help manage and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The effects of stress is directly linked to coping. The study of coping has evolved to surround a large variety of training beginning with all areas of psychology such as health psychology and environmental psychology. Coping strategies can be broken up into three large components, (physiological, cognitive, and learned.) The cognitive approach to coping is based on a mental process of how the individual values the situation. Where the level of judgement determines t he level of stress and the unique coping strategies that the individual decides to use. In physiological it is inside the body and what goes on behind closed doors. The body has its own way of coping with stress. Any threat or challenge that an individual perceives in the environment triggers a chain of events. The learned component of coping includes everything from

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

National Crime Survey Free Essays

Would you answer honestly if participating in a national crime survey asking about your criminal behavior, including any drinking and drug use? Yes I would participate in the survey. I would be honest because I have nothing to hide and no reason to lie. But for some they don’t want people to know what crimes they have committed or they lie about the extent of the crimes. We will write a custom essay sample on National Crime Survey or any similar topic only for you Order Now But I think it’s because they want to be seen in a â€Å"good light†. A good term for this is called â€Å"Social Desirability Bias† which means that you reply in a manner that is socially acceptable and desirable. [1] The main purpose of this study is to allow the participants to describe the crimes in their own words instead of implying from observing participants. [2] Honesty in these self-report studies help many different groups to better understand crime and criminal behavior. They use these reports to gather information to put them into statistics. The reports that are used are collected from the NIBRS (National Incident-Based Reporting System) and NCVS (National Crime Victimization Survey) and published by FBI in their yearly UCR ( Uniform Crime Report. ) In some forms of deviance self-report studies have been proven better than police reports (ex: minor offenses among adolescents. ) In a variety of social-psychological studies these reports have been proven very useful (ex: monitoring of subjective feelings or states is at issue) [3] Dishonesty in these repo How to cite National Crime Survey, Essay examples

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Texting And Driving Satire free essay sample

Oak Ridge highways considered most dangerous roads in all of Southeast Missouri. â€Å"Why is this? † do you ask. Well, when that bell rings at 3:13 Oak Ridge becomes a living hell. All students hit the roads ready to get home in a hurry. Oh that’s all fine and dandy except there is just one problem. They have cell phones, and they are texting at this very moment while you are meeting them in the other lane. It is a scary thought, I know. One of the main reasons kids text and drive is because they think that when that phone rings they have to stop whatever they are doing and answer the text. But answering Sally’s text saying Susie is dating Anthony can wait. It is not worth causing a ten car pile, because you were texting and you swerve into oncoming traffic. In turn causing multiple deaths and fiery explosions. We will write a custom essay sample on Texting And Driving Satire or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some kids have problems keeping their car on the road. When asked about this dilemma, one experienced motorist said, â€Å"That one day I was coming over that hill over there and I swear a kid was texting and driving, he was in my lane too. I didn’t know what to do so I took the ditch. That kid just kept on a goin’. He never even saw what was happening. † That just goes to show how focused kids are on texting and driving. Another reason kids text in drive could be out of boredom. Whatever happened to looking at the landscape and the wildlife? I guess flying down the road at 60 miles per hour isn’t fun enough. That is the main reason I drive more than I should. It’s a shame that kids can’t even be satisfied with the surrounding world. One solution to texting and driving is to just pull over and text what needs to be said. Yes, this is an inconvenience, but you cannot run off the road or hit someone while sitting still. Maybe walking is your thing, or maybe not. Regardless, you better get you a good pair of walking shoes. That is, if you are able to walk after crashing and being drug out of your car. Texting and driving is just not worth it. That person can wait five minutes to get a text back, or he/she can wait years to see you in the land up above. You have a choice whether to text and drive. Every time you get in a car and even think about texting just stop for a second and think. â€Å"Is this message worth my life? † â€Å"Do I want this to be my last text†? If the answer is yes, then you deserve what you get my friend. If the answer is no, my hat goes off to you. You have made a wise decision and maybe, just maybe, you will not ever text and drive again.